Welcome Chem 201AX 74505 F 2020

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Welcome to Chem 201AX CRN 74505

Applied Problems for General College Chemistry I

Dr. Greg Baxley        Office  # 2306         gbaxley@cuesta.edu    

Welcome to Chemistry 201AX! This course is designed to help you to succeed in Chem 201A. For most of the class, you will be solving chemistry problems in small groups with my assistance. All you need for this class is a pencil, your scientific calculator, a good attitude and your brain.

This class is an online (DE) class with synchronous meetings. This means that there are live weekly meetings via Zoom on Monday at 12:30-1:20 for group problem solving.

General Course Information
• Corequisite: Chem 201A.
• Course Description: Supplements Chem 201A to further develop general chemistry skills and conceptual understanding. Provides the opportunity for additional assistance in developing and mastering problem- solving abilities.

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to:

  1. Solve general chemistry problems that contain cumulative or integrated concepts.
  2. Create problem solving pathways based on their analysis of data or measured values provided in chemistry questions.

This is a pass/no pass course. Evaluation will be based on participation, which means learning, collaborating, and assisting others. I will provide worksheets for you to solve in class. To receive a passing grade for the course, you must receive at least 70% of the possible points. Each class day there is a total of 60 points possible, with 10 points in each of the categories below. There is a daily check in assignment in Canvas to log your progress.

  • Arrived in Zoom on time (within 5 minutes of start time)
  • Have access to the worksheet
  • Asked for help on a problem or received help from a peer on a problem
  • Helped another student with a problem or encouraged/congratulated another student.
  • Said hi to someone by name.
  • Stayed until the end of the class time or finished the worksheet

"Classroom" Etiquette

Please be considerate of your other classmates. Some students are easily distracted, so I ask that you arrive on time, ready to learn, and do not depart early.  Students who disrupt the class may be asked to leave.  Since a portion of the class will consist of group problem solving, it is important to be kind, patient, and supportive of your classmates.  I will try to model appropriate behavior.  Please don’t talk or private chat during lecture time.  If you have questions, please ask!  Please turn off your phone while in class and avoid the temptation to text during class.  Please see me before recording any audio or video during class. 

Is Distance Learning for You? Before you enroll in a distance learning class, make an honest assessment of your level of personal discipline and ability for the independent learning style that an online course requires.  While there are mandatory class meetings with lecture and group work, much of the time you will be working on your own and teaching yourself with the help of computer software, internet forum discussion questions, tutorials, and videos. You have to be proficient with and enjoy working with computers. Please take the following exploratory self assessment survey and judge for yourself. I am here to help you learn and I'll catch you if you stumble. Let's do this!

Check to see if you are suited for online learning by taking a readiness survey at http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/survey.htm and reading the results. Are you a disciplined, self-motivated, and online-savvy student? If so, let's learn some chemistry!

Necessary Computer Equipment/Skills. 

  • Electronic device: computer or tablet with a webcam and modern software/apps, preferably not a phone,  and internet access. Specific requirements are at   http://www.cuesta.edu/student/aboutacad/distance/faqs_technical.html
  • Computer skills required are downloading and printing documents, using your Cuesta email account, accessing your Canvas account, posting discussion questions, and watching videos. Essential technology in general is at the Cuesta College technology site. The course Canvas site will be available starting the weekend prior to the first day of class.

Attendance and Participation. Students must access Zoom during the first or second class meetings (Monday August 17 or 24) at 1:00 pm. 

Student Help Hours:               online TBA

Prerequisites:              Math 27 or intermediate algebra,   AND  Chem 210FL (grade of “C” or better) 

Required Supplies:     

  • Canvas account (free)  https://cuesta.instructure.com/  
  • scientific calculator I urge you to use the same calculator that you'll use  for exams and quizzes with Exponential notation (EE or EXP on most calculators,) and logs (LOG and LN). 

Coursework Assistance: Help is available! I am here to help you learn and enjoy the course material.  If you are having trouble, please ask for assistance.  If you cannot Zoom to student help hours, please use Piazza for questions.  I encourage relevant questions during live lecture periods.    Free tutoring is available through the student success center.  If you need help or want an informal study group, this is a great resource to visit online. Drop in and ask a question, or stay and work with friends. See this link for the schedule of free chemistry tutoring.  https://www.cuesta.edu/student/resources/ssc/index.html     

 Assistance, part 2:  Nationwide, 36% of college students face challenges in securing safe housing or affordable food. Cuesta College has programs that can help, including an on-campus food pantry (open daily) and a food bank distribution site (3rd Tuesday of the month). If you experience food or housing insecurity, please contact the Student Support Resolution Coordinator, Donna Howard, in Room 3172, 805.546.3192 or donna_howard1@cuesta.edu

The Cuesta CaFE Center (room 3142) has food, toiletries, hygiene products, and clothing for students in need.

Cuesta College offers personalized, confidential mental health therapy services to support students for their academic success and personal development. Visit room 3150 or call (805) 546-3171 for appointments.

I might be able to help too, so if you are comfortable in doing so, please let me know if you need assistance.

More information and services can be found at https://cuesta.instructure.com/courses/12134/pages/resources

Free tutoring is available in the student success center. See this link for the schedule of free chemistry tutoring.   https://www.cuesta.edu/student/resources/ssc/index.htmlLinks to an external site. 

Withdrawal:  If you discontinue the course for any reason, you are responsible for making an official withdrawal. 

Academic Honesty:  Don’t cheat. Your grade is based on participation, so I’m not sure how you would cheat or what you would gain.

Special Note: Some students may face learning disabilities or challenges that affect their academic performance.  If you have any special concerns or disabilities that could affect your learning, please see me or contact DSPS at 546–3148 as soon as possible.  DSPS requests that testing forms be submitted at least 7 days prior to the test.  Exams and quizzes taken with accommodations must be taken with DSPS and must start or end during a regular class period.  Please schedule your classes and other obligations such that accommodated exams and quizzes can occur concurrently with the class.  To help minimize possible hazards to assistance animals, it would be best to contact me before bringing your service animal to lab.  http://www.cuesta.edu/student/servs_classes/dsps/Links to an external site.    

Regular and Effective Instructor Contact will be met through the weekly class meetings, threaded discussion forums; announcements to students; posted lecture videos, and office hours.

Authenticating Student Identity will be conducted through the use of the Learning Management System, Canvas and Mastering Chemistry, each of which requires students to log into the program using a secure login and password to access. You must use your official Cuesta College email address for Mastering Chemistry (like marie_curie@my.cuesta.edu)

Netiquette and Online Course Participation

  • Use respectful and professional language in your forum discussions. Respect the learning progress of your peers.
  • Please do not use texting language, lol, ikr?
  • Emoticons are acceptable ways to show emotion.
  • Avoid ALL CAPS as they come across like YOU'RE SCREAMING.
  • You are expected to read all forum posts.
  • You are to make at least of 5 posts or responses with specific details in the Canvas discussion forum (called Piazza) this term. Do not provide exact answers in your posts.
  • All messages are public, so be professional and courteous when you post.
  • Make your posts and replies specific to a particular problem or issue.
  • Use complete sentences and thoughts are mandatory for forum posts.
  • Log into Canvas and the online HW system at least once per week.

Technical Issues?  For issues related to accessing Cuesta's Canvas Site email:support@my.cuesta.edu. Online HW technical issues are best resolved by clicking the appropriate links in the HW system. 

Missed classes:  To accommodate unavoidable absences, students may miss up to 3 class periods and still earn a passing grade. If you are in danger of missing the 4th class period, please contact me.


Me in the lab, and in the Student Success Center, home version!

Greg Baxley lab photo.jpg Greg Baxley Zoom.JPG

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