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Question:  What textbook do I need for Chem 201A or 201B at Cuesta College? 

Answer:     Tro, "A Molecular Approach" 5th (or 4th or 3rd) edition

The current textbook for the Chem 201A/201B courses at Cuesta College is "Chemistry, a Molecular Approach" by N. Tro, 5th ed., Pearson Publishers (2019).  The 5th edition is new, but the 4th and 3rd editions are perfectly acceptable.

There are 3 main routes to purchasing your text:

    1. Buy at Cuesta College Bookstore: We have worked out a deal at the Cuesta College Bookstore which sells a new, custom version of this text for about $201, which includes a Mastering Chemistry (MC) access code for the online homework system that is required for all students. This book is soft-bound and won't be as durable as a regular text, and will have limited resale value. {note: don't buy the less expensive option at the bookstore; it's just an inflated price for the MC access code and you should only opt for the $201 version if ordering from this source}
    2. Purchase or rent: If you purchase a new text from Amazon or another retailer, or purchase/rent a used text, get either the 5th (or 4th, or 3rd) edition of "Chemistry, a Molecular Approach" by N. Tro**(see note below).  Amazon has new 5th edition texts that are about $230, used 4th editions from $50 (w/o access code), and 1-semester rentals are about $30-50.

 If you buy a used text or rent, you need a Mastering Chemistry access code purchased through a Cuesta College Canvas course.  You can purchase a 12-month code through Canvas when you log in, or use the free 14-day trial period. Cost is $75.

    1. Buy an e-book. There is an eText version, which comes with Mastering Chemistry when you log into Mastering in Canvas. This is about $120 I think.

Regardless of how you purchase, you will need a Mastering Chemistry access code in the first week. Bonus: you can get a 14-day free trial. If you get a new book with a code, you can enter the code to fully activate the free trial. If you have trouble with your access code, please let me know immediately. Don’t buy a second code if your existing code is less than a year old.

Other stuff:

You also need a scientific calculator with log and exponential notation functions (non-graphing), suggested models are the Sharp EL501XBWH or EL-531TGBBW, Casio fx-300ES, Texas Instruments TI-36X or TI-30X IIS (not the TI-30XS).  pics below

We are going to do a few At Home labs and you will need chemical splash goggles (available at the bookstore $5 or $16 and elsewhere, like these: Uvex S3960C Stealth Safety Goggles) if you want do any at-home labs. (options are available for students without means for doing the experiments)

See below for pictures of suggested calculators, goggles, and the textbook.

** used book note:

It is possible to use the 4th or 3rd edition of the Tro text for this course. However, there will be times when certain chapter numbers, page numbers, figures, or practice problems will be assigned or referred to in class. Reading guides and suggested problems will be keyed to both the 3rd and 4th editions, so all of the support materials are available for whichever edition you purchase.

Owners of a 3rd or 4th edition text may need to do some extra work to determine which are the proper pages in your text.   

This is not an insurmountable difficulty but does cause some students a bit of grief while others are not adversely affected.  If you really want to save money at the expense of extra time and possibly frustration, then the 4th/3rd edition path might be the one for you.  If you need your educational experience to be smooth and seamless without frustration, then get the 5th edition.

Do NOT get a 1st or 2nd edition book. They are significantly different than the newer editions, and are not suitable.


If you have significant financial hurdles to overcome, please contact me about borrowing a text for the semester.

Suggested calculators, goggles, and textbooks.



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